Monday, October 02, 2006


Everyone has things they aren't good at.
I have decided that I am not good at blogging. Not so much the writing part, although that remains to be seen. More so the set-up part.
I think most people out there (in cyber world) have been pre-wired to set up a blog. They pick a cute template, add charming buttons and pics to the sidebar, have endlessly creative names and thoughts peeking out at you.
I on the other hand have not figured any of this out. It might sound somewhat uncharitable of me, but I don't understand how all these middle aged ladies have great sites, and I can't figure out how to customize any part of my template.

I am working on it. I have a few "peeps" I can talk to for some advice.

The next 2 months are going to be crazy for me. I have about 15 things (no exaggeration) that need to be done by Thanksgiving, and that's ignoring promises I made last Christmas. I'm not sure how I'll be able to get everything done. After I finish these things, x-mas will be flying right at me, and since I always fly home, planning must be done in advance. Projects finished before I get off the plane, gifts picked, sent, or bought by elves back home. I suppose a huge part of this is my procrastination. Always have I waited until the last minute. With school work, one might understand, but I do it with everything. I like sewing. I like knitting. I like crafting. I love picking things out for people. I never do any of these with time to spare.
Oh well, my stress is my own.
More later about the UFO's and other projects coming up. Maybe a whole list.

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